I love detective stories. I _ all the classic novels about Sherlock
Holmes, Hercule Poirot, Miss Marple, and others. (read)
My favourite detective is Miss Marple. In Agatha Christie’s books she
_ as a delicate elderly woman. (describe)
Miss Marple loved growing roses and often invited other village _
to tea in her house. (lady)
She _ different from the other neighbours. (not/look)
However, when a crime occurred, she was often _ than the
police. The police officers respected her analytical mind and attention to detail. (effective)
They always _ the old lady’s advice helpful. (find)
Miss Marple herself believed that it was her life experience that helped
_ solve crimes. (she)


Ответ дал: Zenit53


1. read

2. describes

3. lady

4. doesn't look

5. effective

6.  find

7. she


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