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УПР Номер : 3,4

3)Complete the sentences with as...as or not as...as. Use the adjectives in brackets.
0. Hedgehogs are not as friendly as dogs. (friendly)

1. Tarantulas snakes. (dangerous)
2. Iguanas *** rabbits. (soft)
3. Dogs *** cats. (messy)
4. Budgies *** parrots. (noisy)
5. Turtles *** fish. (quiet)
6. Sheep *** alpacas. (tall)
4)Put the words in the correct order.
0. in/youngest/the/am/l/person/class/the.
I am the youngest person in the class.

1. tall/am/as/grandmother/l/as/my.
2. than/are/bicycles/Cars/faster.
3. Chinese/is/than/easier/English.
4. aren't/interesting/as/Films/cartoons/as.
5. person/tallest/in my/Ali/is/the/family.
6. best/Azerbaijan/is/in the world/the/country.



Ответ дал: sofyashi


Упражнение 3

1- Tarantulas aren't as dangerous as snakes

2- Iguanas aren't as soft as rabbits.

3- Dogs aren't as messy as cats.

4- Budgies are as noisy as parrots.

5- Turtles are as quiet as fish.

6- Sheep aren't tall as alpacas.

Упражнение 4

1- I am as tall as my grandmother.

2- Cars are faster than bicycles.

3- English is easier than Chinese

4- Films aren't as interesting as cartoons.

5- Ali is the tallest person in my family.

6- Azerbaijan is the best country in the world.


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