из этих вопросов сделайте на них ответ, и сделайте из этого типо маленького рассказика о себе.
What time do you get up?
What do you usually do after school?
What's your favourite subject?
What do you want to be when you grow up?


Ответ дал: trucherulya
I’m usually get up at 8 o’clock.After school I draw,sometimes I go for a walk with my friends.My favourite subject are math and PE.
I want be teacher or policeman
Ответ дал: rrroginets


I get up at 7 o'clock, than I am going to the bathroom and brush my teeth. After that I'm getting dressed and go to school. My favorite subject at school is Math and Physical education. After school I usually do my homework, and than playing some computer games. I want to be a professional programmer when I grow up.


Слова с ing могут стоять неправильно, поэтому заранее извиняюсь)

egorsuunov: сделай чуть по меньше, и речь идет о 4 классе, там еще нет такого предмета
rrroginets: Physical education - физра
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