Find the topic sentences in each paragraph in the model text. Then replace the topic sentences with a-e. There is one sentence that you do not need.

a) The things I liked most about the book were the characters and the theme

b) The book will appeal to people who like history, drama and realism

c) In conclusion, I really liked the novel

d) The setting is Central Asia in the 19th century and the characters are very realistic

e) l'd like to recommend a book which I read recently, called Ulpan Is Her Name​



Ответ дал: meowvirt

3 - a

2 - b

2 - d

1 - e

Вариант с) не написано в тексте.

meowvirt: блин, я такая умнаЯ
meowvirt: сама себе на свой акк ответила
jisoovirt: хааха жиза
meowsixwwi: оо даа
Ответ дал: meowsixwwi

3 - a

2 - b

2 - d

1 - e


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