Denis drinks tea for lunch every day. ( Yes/No? or? What? When? Who?) 2.We played football in the morning. (Yes/No? or? What? When? Who?) тут как я понимаю Надо эти вопросительные слова в скобках их надо поставить предложение в которые там написано Помогите пожалуйста очень срочно ​


Ответ дал: Sklavik

1. Does Denis drink tea for lunch everyday?

Yes, he does

No, he doesn't

What does Denis drink for lunch everyday?

When does Denis drink tea?

Who drinks tea for lunch every day?

2. Did we play football in the morning?

Yes, we did

No, we didn't

What did we play in the morning?

When did we play football?

Who played football in the morning?


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