Add question tags to the following sentences



Ответ дал: MaryFairy211

24. Lola lost her glasses yesterday, didn't she?

25. You've got a polaroid camera, haven't you?

26. I'm late, aren't I?

27. Bob's absent, isn't he?

28. George doesn't drink tea, does he?

29. We're happy, aren't we?

30. He comes from Italy, doesn't he?

31. You like playing the piano, don't you?

32. Mary lived in Washington, didn't she?

33. He'll be five in three days, won't he?

34. You won't do that, will you?

35. People often tell lies, don't they?

Если предложение утвердительное, то "хвостик" должен быть отрицательным, и наоборот.

Если в предложении используется I am, то "хвостик" всегда aren't I.

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