1 2 Tale come tes and milk Mix it. 4 Put some sugar or honey. hb Write the sentences in order. Напишите предложения по порядку, How to make First Lesson 13 Can you cook Then Homework palov? Then Finally Put the words in order. Поставьте Слова по порядку, 1 was/hungry/Alexander the Great/One day, 2 made/His cook/the first palov. 3 hungry/His/soldiers/too/were. 4 liked/All/the soldiers/it. 5 palov/Now/favourite meal/is/many people's. Lesson 4 What do you have for a pic Classwork 3 Listen and complete the sentences. Julia: Susie, what do we have for a picnic? Susie: The things are on the table in the (1) (1) ... lets thinac O​


Ответ дал: nealpha5


1. One day Alexander the Great was hungry.

2. His cook made the first palov.

3. His soldiers were hungry too.

4. All the soldiers liked it.

5. Now palov is many people's favourite meal


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