7 a) Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple. 9 Marco Polo 1)........... ....... (live) in Venice in the 13th century. He 2)....... ...... (travel) to Asia with his father and his unde in 1271. They 3).... 3 (visit) the court of Kublai Khan, the grandson of Genghis. They 4) (stay) in Asia for 17 years. Marco Polo 5) ......... (explore) all of China and the Silk Road. He 6)........ (return) to Venice in 1295. People 7).......... (enjoy) the stories about his adventures. He 8)............ (die) in 1324 Maneo Polo VIDEO​


Ответ дал: mihailutsajulia


1 lived

2 travelled

3 visited

4 stayed

5 explored

6 returned

7 enjoyed

8 died

diinuur1985: спасибо
mihailutsajulia: пожалуйста ❤️
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