the comparative/superla adjectives/adverbs? n th le о 2 Put the adjectives/adverbs in brackets into the correct form. th st ve . e m b O th th to И a - e 1 Helen treats customers (politely) than the other salespeople. 2. The mall is .... (convenient) place to go shopping in the city. 3 This electronics shop is ...... (cheap) than the one in Main Street. 4 There aren't any nice shops here - let's drive (far) into the city. 5 The ..... .... (good) place to find nice souvenirs is in the flea market. 6 Kevin works .... ...... (hard) of all the staff in the department store. 7 Jane was (excited) about going shopping than her friends. 8 I think that Lina's Fashions is ... 3 (bad) clothes shop in town. 9 Katie goes clothes shopping (frequently) of all her friends. 10 This supermarket opens (late) than the others in town.
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срочно нужно сейчас​


Ответ дал: ekimoval325

not,it, are,is, the,no,es,no,go,she

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