помогите пожалуйста срочно описание картины на английском языке​



Ответ дал: nezex23


the people walk on street.

a child at a doctor's appointment

the child in school

hondayelantra80: ти не так понел
hondayelantra80: 12-13предложений
hondayelantra80: описание один из трёх картин
nezex23: аааа
nezex23: ща
hondayelantra80: долго еше ждать
nezex23: ща буквально 5 минут
nezex23: the boy got sick and had to go to the doctor.At the doctor's appointment, his blood was checked.They also checked his heart.There's nothing wrong with the heart.He said that his arm was hurting, they took an X-ray and it turned out that he just had a bruise.Everything is fine with the boy, he went home with a healthy hand
nezex23: держи
hondayelantra80: спасибо
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