Stone Age. 1 here b) Use the words to write questions, Example: 1) Where did cavepeople live? 1) Where/cavepeople/live? ? 2) Cavepeople/live/alone? ? 3) What animals/they/hunt? ? 4) What/they/eat? ? 5) Why/they/not/live in one place? ? 6) How/cavepeople/use /fire? ? 7) Why/we/call/this period/the Stone Age? ?​



Ответ дал: sweetyunicorn884


Did cavepeople live alone?

What animasl did they hunt?

What did they eat?

Why didn't they live in one place?

How did cavepeople use fire?

Why do we call this period the Stone Age?

danaerkinbekova11: спасибо огромное
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