. Choose the right verb forms to complete the sentences.

She (to read) the story yet.

They (to write) some texts lately.

The day before yesterday we (to visit) the Niagara Falls.

Sasha just (to drive) from Baikal.

Alena (to do) homework just now.

We (to learn) some rules about Present Perfect Tense the other day.

3. Most of the Americans live in America and speak English.

Most of ________ live in Germany and speak _______________.

Most of _____________live in England and speak ____________.

Most of ___________ live in ________ and speak Japanese.

Most of ______________live in Russia and speak __________.


Ответ дал: lianamal

hasn't read

have written


has just driven

has done


Germans     German

Englishmen      English

Japanese people    Japan

Russians    Russian

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