D. Complete the text with the full or bare infinitive of the verbs in brackets just wanted (1) A few months ago, I was very tired. I was working long hours and ! (sleep) all the time. Some days all! wanted was to sleep. On other days I was very stressed. (calm down) but it wasn't easy. Then, I tried (2) I read an article in a magazine about pets and stress. It was very interesting and it made me (3)_ (want) a pet. So, I went to the pet shop (4) (get) one. I got a dog and I called her Molly. I've had her for a month now and I feel great . She has helped me (5) (change) my lifel I don't feel stressed or down anymore. Actually, I'd like (6) (take) her out into the countryside every day, but I haven't got much time. But we go for long walks at the weekends and have a great timel 14430​



Ответ дал: eleoonorka22


1 to sleep

2 to calm down

3 want

4 to get

5 to change

6 to take


De1zzyy: Спасибо огромное ты мне в 2 заданиях помог))))
anelbirzan68: aga
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