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Jack Smith (to be) on holiday now. He (to stay) at home, but he (to do) a lot of interesting things. A few minutes ago he (to met) John Stanton who (to be) on holiday too and now they (to speak) about their holidays.
John: How ... you (to enjoy) your holiday, Jack?
Jack: I (to have a good time). I (to have got) a car and it (to be) a pleasure to go to different places in the country.
John: Where ... you (to go) yesterday?
Jack: I (to meet) Helen Black and we (to go) to Marlow. It (to be) a nice place on the river Thames [temz] you ever (to be) there?
John: Oh, yes. I (to spend) my holiday there last year. I (to know) the place very well. ... you (to have lunch) at the old hotel?
Jack: No, we (to have lunch) in the open air near the river.
John: What time ... you (to get) home?
Jack: We (not to come) back till 11 o’clock in the evening.
John: You (to be) tired,... you?
Jack: Yes, a little bit.


Ответ дал: karimovamakhliyo5


Jack Smith is on holiday now. He stayed at home for his holiday, but he did a lot of interesting things. A few minutes ago he met John Stanton who was on holiday too and now they are speaking about their holidays. John: How did you enjoy your holiday, Jack? Jack: I had a good time, John. I stayed at home. I had got a car and it was a pleasure to go to different places. John: Where did you go yesterday? Jack: I met Hellen Black and went to Marlow. It is a nice place on the River Thames. Have you ever been there? John: Oh, yes. I spent my holiday there last year. I know the place very well. Did you have lunch at the old hotel near the river? Jack: No, we didn’t have in the open air near the river. John: What time did you get home? Jack: We didn’t come back till 11 o'clock in the evening. John: You were tired, weren’t you? Jack: Yes, a little bit.

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