B. Complete the sentences with the correct possessive adjectives or pronouns. I feel down because (1) friend Vanessa isn't talking to me any more. She lent me (2) favourite sunglasses and I lost them. Now she's very angry. It's not fair. She lost four CDs at her party last week. One of them was (3) and three of them were but I didn't mind! (5) brother, John, and (6) wife, Julie, have bought (7) first house. They're very happy. The house is small, but they love it because it's (8) It's also near the beach and it's got a view of the sea.​



Ответ дал: nastroited


1. my
2. her
3. mine
4. hers
5. my
6. his
7. their
8. theirs

I'm sorry if I didn't do it right


possessive adjectives or pronouns: отвечают на вопрос Whose? (чей?): мой, твой, ваш, наш, его, её, их/ my, your, our, his, her, its, their.

nurajkuanysbaj644: рх
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