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ayana1988as: Спасибо большое
kamila8539: defeated the ruler of the underworld. He made the inhabitants of the middle world his slaves. when Kogudei mergen grew up, he went to avenge his father. the road was hard. but he reached his world and defeated the enemy and freed the inhabitants of the middle world from slavery. He did not stop there and went to conquer the lower world and release the innocent. he won this war and began to rule in two worlds, and he took the beautiful Altyn Kusky as his wife. and lived happily ever after
kamila8539: Вот но это не похож на краткий
kamila8539: Не получилось прошу прошения там такой сюжет
kamila8539: lived the ruler of the middle world Madai-kara. when he fell ill, the rulers of the lower world decided to attack him. but Madai-kara had a son. he took him to the mountains where Altyn Kusky looked after him. madai-kara lost the battle. When Kogudei mergen grew up, he went to avenge his father. he won the battle and married the beautiful Altyn Kusku
Это тоже самое но кратче
kamila8539: Последнее правильный
kamila8539: Надеюсь ты не сердишься и прошу прощения
ayana1988as: Нет я не сержусь, большое спасибо♡
ayana1988as: Конечно я прощаю:)
kamila8539: ❤️спасибо


Ответ дал: kamila8539
lived the ruler of the middle world Madai-kara. when he fell ill, the rulers of the lower world decided to attack him. but Madai-kara had a son. he took him to the mountains where Altyn Kusky looked after him. madai-kara lost the battle. When Kogudei mergen grew up, he went to avenge his father. he won the battle and married the beautiful Altyn pieces
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