Пожалуйста, отдам все баллы! У меня больше нет.

Task 1.

Match the verbs with the nouns. Then make sentences with the phrases using: I enjoy, I’m not interested, I’m fond of, I don’t like, I’m good at.

collect the Internet

surf documentaries

play models

watch board games

build coins

1) I enjoy __________________________________________________________

2) I’m not interested in _______________________________________________

3) I’m fond of ______________________________________________________

4) I don’t like _______________________________________________________

5) I’m good at ______________________________________________________

Task 2.

Open the brackets using Present Simple or Present Continuous.

1) She _____________ (study) now.

2) They _____________ (prepare) for the final exam these days.

3) I _____________ (make) coffee every morning, but today I _____________ (drink) tea.

4) Look! The ice _____________ (to melt).

5) I _____________ (not like) to watch TV very often. But at the moment I _____________ (watch) my favourite film.

6) She _____________ (see) her dentist today and she _____________(not like) it at all.

7) You _____________ (not listen) to the radio. Turn it off, please.

Task 3.

Fill in the gaps with was/were and choose the correct adjective. Write full sentences. 1) When I saw a big angry dog, I ___________ frightened/embarrassed. 2) When I told her that they were going to Disneyland, she ____________ ecstatic/sad. 3) When he made a mistake in front of the whole class, he ____________ confident/embarrassed. 4) After they worked hard for the whole day, they _____________ confused/tired. 5) When my sister broke down my game console, I ___________ happy/angry.


Ответ дал: Lovelygirl001


Task 1

surf the internet

play board games

build models

collect coins

watch documentaries

1) I enjoy collect coins

2) I’m not interested in build models

3) I’m fond of watch documentaries

4) I don’t like surf the internet

5) I'm good at play board games

Task 2

1) is studying

2) are preparing

3)make , drank

4) is melting

5) don't like, am watching

6)saw , don't like

7) don't listen

Task 3

1was frightened

2was ecstatic

3was embarrassed

4 were tired

5 was angry

Lovelygirl001: Можешь отмечать как лучший ответ?
Аноним: сейчас не могу, но потом обязвтельно отмечу
Аноним: спасибо огромное, это точно правильно?
Аноним: да, праильно
Аноним: ну вы поняли
Lovelygirl001: а все правильно или есть ошибки, просто хочу узнать
Аноним: всё правильно
Аноним: удачи автору
Extratium: Разве глаголы в первом задании не должны быть написаны в Present Continuous?
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