Make up Wh-questions putting the words given below in the correct order.

Answer the above questions.



Ответ дал: semyonova771
Where is James now?    только один воарос?

Fariza02: what has he got for his parents
Fariza02: where is James from
blackjulia: Пожалуйста помогите,ответить на вопросы.Срочно.Спасибо большое.
Fariza02: какие вопросы?
blackjulia: Where is James now?
blackjulia: what is he visiting?
blackjulia: what has he got for his parents?
blackjulia: what is he doing there?
blackjulia: where is James from?
blackjulia: Спасибо большое!!!
Ответ дал: Fariza02
1)Where is James now?

blackjulia: Спасибо,нужно еще ответить на вопросы Answer the above questions.
semyonova771: 1. He is in the shop now. 2. he is visiting the Museum. 3. He has present for his parents. 4.He is from Canada.
Fariza02: вопросы нужно составить?
blackjulia: Спасибо большое,нет не нужно!
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