1. If I ____ (plant) seeds in spring, I _____ (have) tomatoes in autumn.
2. If you ______ (start) studying earlier, you ______ (be) more prepared for the exam.
3. It ______ (be) very expensive for us if we _____ (stay) in a hotel.
4. I ______ (give) you a lift yesterday, if my wife _____ (not take) the car.
5. I don’t know what we ______ (do) if we ______ (not see) you.
6. They _____ (see) the fireworks if they ______ (be) here 15 minutes earlier.
7. If I _____ (not have) so much work last week, I _______ (go) with you last Sunday.
8. My parents _______ (not meet) if my mother _______ (not leave) France.
9. If she ______ (ask) her boss about it, she ______ (lose) her job months ago.
10. If Martin ______ (score) the penalty, we _____ (win) Saturday's game


Ответ дал: kamilashegirova2012


я бы помогла но немогу ...........

Ответ дал: sashakrivanich
Если будущее время нужно, то вот!

1) If I plant seeds in spring, I will have tomatoes in autumn.

2) If you start studying earlier, you will be more prepared for the exam.

3) It will be very expensive for us if we stay in a hotel.

4) I gave you a lift yesterday if my wife doesn’t take the car. (Не особо поняла это предложение, может вместо yesterday - tomorrow(?) - тогда I will give you)

5) I don’t know what we will do if we don’t see you.

6) They will see the fireworks if they are here 15 minutes earlier.

7) If I don’t have so much work last week, I will go with you last Sunday. (так если last переводится как последний, а не прошлый)

8) My parents won’t meet if my mother doesn’t leave the France.

9) If she asks her boss about it, she would(??) lose her job moths ago. (не особо уверена ;()

10) If Martin scores the penalty, we will win Saturday’s game.
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