придумать вопросы к тексту Alexander (be) very strong and brave . He (play) soldiers with his friends and (swim) in the river.Also Alexander (like) horses very much. His favourite horse (be) Bucephalus . King Alexander (be)a great soldier


Ответ дал: iryysya
1.Does he like swim in river?
2.What his favourite horse?
3.Is he soldier?
Ответ дал: NiallerLuke
Alexander is (was) very strong and brave. He plays (played) soldiers with his friends and swims (swam) in the river. Also Alexander likes (liked) horses very much. His favorite horse is (was) Bucephalus. King Alexander is (was) a great soldier.

1. Is (was) Alexander very strong and brave ?
2. What does (did) he do with his friends ?
3. Where does (did) Alexander swim ?
4. Which animals does (did) he like ?
5. Which horse is (was) his favorite ?
6. Who is (was) a great soldier ?

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