3 10.4.2 Read the text and for questions 1-5 choose the correct answer A, B, C or D. 1 Why did Amy become agoraphobic? A She thought it would stop her panic attacks. B She believed nothing bad would happen to her at home. C She didn't want to see other people. D She was too ill to leave her house. 2 According to Amy, why did her friends stop calling her? A because she kept telling them lies B because they thought she was boring C because she didn't explain why she stopped hanging out with them D because she was too miserable 3 Why did Amy decide to go outside? A She needed a magazine. B She missed her friend Tracey. C She wanted to scare herself. D She wanted to get better. 4 What do we learn about agoraphobia from the text? A it can be linked to panic attacks Bit mainly affects women C it is very common D people who suffer from it always get better 5 What is the writer's purpose? A to give advice about how to overcome agoraphobia B to narrate a personal experience C to inform people about the causes of panic attacks D to encourage other agoraphobics to share their stories​


Ответ дал: anelyakambarova


1 d 2c дальше незнаю


anelyakambarova: 4 d
anelyakambarova: 5 a
anelyakambarova: 1 b
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