Game Present simple present continuos;

1)Nelly ..... a cup of tea every morning. (drink)
2.Your grandma........ Instagram?(use)
3.Your cat....... on the tree now? (sit)
4.We can't play tennis. It.. now (rain)
5.Look!Pauline... the flowers (water)
6.The boy sometimes.... to the park. (run)
7.Listen! The girl... a song. (sing)
8.We Never... letters to America. (write)
9.You .... trousers to school? (wear)
10.Your teacher.... a blue dress today? (wear?
11.Jane always... Her homework in Her Room (do)​


Ответ дал: Пеппер

1. Nelly drinks a cup of tea every morning. (drink)

2. Does your grandma use Instagram? (use)

3. Is your cat  sitting on the tree now? (sit)

4. We can't play tennis. It is raining now (rain)

5. Look! Pauline is watering the flowers (water)

6. The boy sometimes runs to the park. (run)

7. Listen! The girl is singing a song. (sing)

8. We never write letters to America. (write)

9. Do you wear trousers to school? (wear)

10. Is your teacher wearing a blue dress today? (wear?

11. Jane always does her homework in her room (do)​

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