Срочнооооо даю 30 балоовввввв ​



Ответ дал: tech4810

1) Do you have to go to school on Saturday?

No, I don't.

2) Do your parents have to work on the weekend?

Yes, they do.

3) Do you have to help with the housework at home?

Yes, I do.

4) Does your best friend have to walk to school?

No, he doesn't.

5) Do you have to do a lot of homework?

Yes, I do.

6) Does your best friend have to study in the afternoon?

Yes, he does.

Ответ дал: merumaks6

1.Do you have to go to school on Saturday?

No I don't

2.Do your parents have to work on the weekend?

No ther don't

3.Do you have to help with the housework at home?


4.Do your best friend have to walk to school?

Yes my friend walk to shool

5.Do you have to do a lot of homework?

Yes I do a lot of homework

6.Do your best friend have to study in the afternoon?


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