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Put the verbs into the Present Simple or the Present Continuous. Answer the questions.

It is Thursday at my uncle's house

My name (to be) ______Billy. I (to have got) ________________ an uncle. My uncle's name (to be) _________________Jake. Jake (to have got) _________________a family. Now they (to be) _________________at home. Jake (to repair) _________________ his camera now. He (to like) _________________ to take pictures. Jake's wife (to make) _________________ supper in the kitchen. Her name (to be) ___________Margaret. She (not to like) _________________to cook. Margaret (to be)_____________very busy. She (to work) _________________at school. She (to be)______________ a teacher of history. Their children (to sit) _________________on the carpet and (to play) _________________with their toys now. Their names _____________(to be) Carol and Helen. They (to be) __________ twins. They (not to do) _________________ their homework now. Carol and Helen (not to be) _________________good pupils.

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Ответ дал: ibragimovainkar


My name is Billy. I have got an uncle. My uncle's name is Jake. Jake has got a family. Now they are at home. Jake is repairing his camera now. He likes to take pictures. Jake's wife makes supper in the kitchen. Her name is Margaret. She doesn't like to cook. Margaret is very busy. She works at school. She is a teacher of history. Their children are sitting on the carpet and are playing with their toys now. Their names are Carol and Helen. They are twins. They aren't doing their homework now. Carol and Helen aren't good pupils.

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