5 Match the words in exercise 4 with the

1 Literary works that people still think important
after hundreds of years.
2 The most important person in a family.
3 Someone who guides people how to behave by
making them think spiritually or philosophically.
4 A group of people who live in the same place.
5 A man who is very intelligent and uses his
intelligence well.
6 A school where religion is important.



Ответ дал: 87752141176v


1. Literary works that people still think important  after hundreds of years - classical

2. The most important person in a family - head of

3. Someone who guides people how to behave by  making them think spiritually or philosophically  - spiritual

4. A group of people who live in the same place - local

5. A man who is very intelligent and uses his  intelligence well - wise

6. A school where religion is important - religious

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