B. Complete with the correct form of the adjectives in brackets. We used to live in a very nice and peaceful area but last month, my mother got a new job in the city centre, so we moved. Our new neighbourhood isn't as (1) (peaceful as our old neighbourhood. But our new house is (2) (good) than our old house, It's (3) (modern), too. It's also (4) (close) to the shopping centres and the cinemas than our old house, so there is (5) (much) excitement. But this neighbourhood is (6) (crowded) and (7) (noisy) than our old neighbourhood and sometimes I can't sleep at night. It's (8) (difficult) to go to school, too. Our house is (9) (far) from school than before and there's lots of traffic in the morning, so I get up at 5:30 every morning!​

18Kudratov77: я хз лол


Ответ дал: egorkubanov1

Ответ:Step 1. Read the texts below and define which personality types the people in them belong to.

John: I wake up at half past five and study company reports in bed. I go to work at half past seven. I never leave the office before night o'clock at nine. I don't go out in the week because I'm too tired. I'm a manager and I read management books in my free time. I usually work at home at the weekend. Dave: I usually get up at 7.30 on Saturdays and run in the park before breakfast. I'm always back home by 8.30. My brother Steve is still asleep at the time, he never gets up before ten. He usually has coffee and toast for breakfast. I never drink coffee so I have orange juice and cereal. My brother calls me a health freak. Most Saturdays I go shopping with my parents. My brother hates shopping, he doesn't like crowds. He is always at home on Saturday. He sometimes plays the guitar in his room or listens to his CDs.

Daisy: My husband is a very rich man so I don't have to work. I think that the best way to spend your time is to travel and see all the musts» in different countries. The next three years of my life are already planned. I'm going to Sri Lanka and Nepal, China and Mongolia. As you see I'm not interested in dear old Europe any longer. I've been all around it several times. It has nothing new for me. I'm looking forward to new impressions and experiences. Besides all my friends have already visited most of these places of interest and all the time boast of being there and seeing this and that It's a shame that I don't have as many souvenirs from all those places as they do. And now, if you excuse me, I must hurry. It's the presentation of Tony Foticelli's exhibition tonight. I don't know anything about him but everybody who is somebody will be there. Step 2. Do you want to know what you are really like? ​


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