4 Open the brackets and put the verbs into Present Perfect.
1 We …………………………. (play) this game. Let’s take another one.
2 She ………………………………. (do) two exercises so far. There are three
3 They ……………………. (not visit) this museum. They are going to do it this
4 My mum ……………………… (cook) a tasty cake. Would you like a piece?
5 Our friends …………………………….. (not be) to this café. Let’s go there.
6 …………………………. she (buy) that beautiful dress?
7 ……………………. Kate and Mike (be) to Europe?
8 The baby …………………. (take) a bath.


Ответ дал: belkatv742

have played

has done

haven't visited

has cooked

haven't been

Has bought

Have been

has taken

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