D. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the Present Simple or the Present Continuous.

1. Tom usually ___________ (play) football, but today he _____________ (play) basketball.
2. I usually _____________ (watch) TV, but today I ______________ (play) computer games.
3. They _____________ (swim) in the lake now, but usually they ________ (swim) in the swimming pool.
4. Sophie usually _______________ (walk) to school.
5. My mother usually ____________ (drink) coffee, but today she ______________ (drink) tea.
6. Ted ____________ (wash) the car now, but his father usually ________________ (wash) it.
7.I ________________ (listen) to music every day.
8.Look, Silvia _________________ (cry). Let’s see what’s wrong.
9.That Maths exercise that you ______________ (do) looks very difficult.
10.He usually _______________ (go) jogging on Sundays.
11. I _________________ (read) this fantastic book now.
12. Peter always _______________ (do) his homework before dinner.
13.They _______________ (clean) their bedroom every weekend.
14.My father _______________ (cook) really well.


Ответ дал: evaasp

1) play, is playing

2) watch, am playing

3) are swimming, swim

4) walks

5) drinks, is drinking

6) is washing, wash

7) listen

8) is crying

9) are doing

10) goes

11) am reading

12) does

13) clean

14) cook

Ответ дал: samiraashurova09
1) plays, is playing
2) watch, am playing
3) are swimming, swim
4) walks
5) drinks, is drinking
6) is washing, washes
7) listen
8) is crying
9) are doing
10) goes
11) am reading
12) does
13) clean
14) cook
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