Люди тревога спасайте меня
Английский язык


Аноним: Дам 60 баллов токо помогите
tucktuk: еще нужно или уже нет?
Аноним: Нужно в любое время
Аноним: И вопрос до этого тоже помогите


Ответ дал: tucktuk


1. Match the two parts....

1) b

2) f

3) h

4) c

5) d

6) g

7) e

8) a

2. Complete the sentence with the correct form of the verb can.

1) .....*can* be.......*can't* help....

2) *can't*

3) *can't*

4) *can*

5) *can't*

6) *can*

7) *can't*

8) *can*

9) *can*

3. Look at the pictures of different places.....

1) You can be in the water there.

You can't read there.

2) You can watch films there.

You can't take a shower there.

3) You can read books there.

You can't speak loudly there.

4) You can sleep there.

You can't have pets there.

Lessons 87-88


1) *Speak*

2) *write*

3) *Don't drink*

4) *Don't cross*

5) *Shut*

6) *Don't open*

7) *Pass*

8) *Turn off*

9) *Open*

10) *Drive*

11) *Don't climb*

12) *Buy*

13) *Cut*

14) *Don't forget*

15) *Underline*


1) Don't be noisy.

2) Don't cheat.

3) Sit at your desk.

4) Don't be late.

5) Write tests.

6) Don't bully your classmates.

7) Pay attention.


2) I would like to finish it first.

3) You should repair your roof.

4) We shouldn't go on foot.

5) You must drive slowly.

6) You musn't be angry.

7) You must hurry up.

8) They can make an experiment.

9) You mustn't touch the screen.

10) We needn't worry about it.


3) Don't close the window.

4) Don't copy the words.

5) Don't sit down.

6) Don't listen to the CD.

7) Shut the books.

8) Don't be quiet.


1) *Be*

2) *Don't cross*

3) *Speak*

4) *Don't shout*

5) *Listen*

6) *Don't drink*

7) *Repeat*

8) *Don't forget*

9) *Listen*

10) *Write*

11) *Don't touch*

12) *Help*

13) *Go*

14) *Don't play*

15) *Clean*


Аноним: Если не сложно можете зайти в мой профиль и ответить на последним вопросы
Аноним: И спасибо вам огромное
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