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1 .When you go camping, don't forget to take_______ you will be bitten by these noisy insects. 2. __________ is a must when you go hiking. It has a bandage, a blister, some pills to relieve your pain and other necessary things if you are accidentally wounded or injured
3. If you are in the mountains, take a pair of_________it protects you from dry
branches and spiky grass.4.___________ is a special stick to catch a fish. 5. Take _________
to protect your body from being wet or in case it rains. 6. ________ helps your food stay cool.7 Take__________ or__________ to put on the ground to feel comfortable. 8. ___________ helps your drinks stay hot.
9. Take a spare pair of_________ if your feet get suddenly wet.



Ответ дал: micccaaa1010


1. When going camping, do not forget to take an insect spray with you, you will be bitten by these noisy insects. 2. It is necessary, absolutely, when you go camping. It has a bandage, a blister, some pain relief pills and other necessary things if you are accidentally injured or injured

3. If you are in the mountains, take a couple of bottles of water with you, they will protect you from dryness.

branches and prickly grass.4. Fishing rod, a special stick for fishing. 5. Take an umbrella

to protect the body from getting wet or in case of rain. 6. ________ helps your food stay cool.7 Take something to put on the ground to feel comfortable. 8. Thermos helps your drinks stay hot.

9. Take a spare pair of socks if your feet suddenly get wet. ( Одно пропустил, прости. )

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