Разкажи о себе по англиский сделайте под Артема


Ответ дал: garbile

переводчик в помощь


а если про любого Артёма то вот:

My name is Artyom. I’m 32 years old. I was born in Krasnodar, but now live in Moscow. I’m divorced, but now I have a new girlfriend who is a professional dancer. My parents live in a small village near Krasnodar. I’m the only child in the family. I have two lovely kids. I was graduated from the university and worked as an engineer at the factory. My work experience accounts 7 years. What concerns my character and skills, I’m very hard-working, responsible, diligent, and social person with a good sense of humor. In the pastime, I’m crazy about fishing and cars repairing. That’s all all about myself.

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