
поставить гл в нужное время пассивного залога

1. The film was produced by S. Spielberg.

2. A new cinema will be built near the airport next year.

3. He wasn’t invited to the party.

4. The tickets are sold by casher.

5. The room is cleaned every day.

6. Pets are not taken to the Zoo.

Put the verbs into Passive Voice.

1. The text (translate) by my sister last week.

2. A meeting (arrange) by them tomorrow.

3. Elections for President in France (hold) every year.

4. A new library (open) next month.

5. Hamlet (write) by W. Shakespeare.

6. A lot of people (influence) by advertising.

axmedalex23: поставить гл в нужное время пассивного залога


Ответ дал: defaultcube


1)was translated

2)will be arranged

3)are held

4)will be opened

5)was written/is written (тут немного неуверенна, это факт, поэтому можно и в настоящем времени, но и в прошедшем тоже, так как это раньше произошло)

6)are influenced

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