1. George…………. (work) on his computer for two hours before it………. (break down).

2. ………. (you/sleep) when the rainfall …………(start)?

3. Tom was really sad because he …………(not/pass) his exam.

4. This time last year I …………. (fly) to London.

5. Ann……(wash) the floor while her brother ………. (cut) the grass.

6. Susan ……. (clean) the house by the time her parents ………. (arrive).

7. James………(wait) for a while and then………(open) the door to see who ……...(make) that strange noise.

8. Maggie …………. (not/go) shopping because she ……… (spend) the morning with her little brother that day.

9. It ………. (be) strange that he ………. (make) the mistake.


Ответ дал: iziozoos
1) had been working; was broken down
2) Were you sleeping; started
3) didn’t pass
4) flew
5) washed; was cutting
6) has cleaned; arrived
7) was waiting; opened; was making
8) didn’t go; spent
9) was; made
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