Tick (✓) A, B, or C to complete the sentences.
Example: I to bed at midnight.
A go 7 B goes C am go
1 What do you get up?
A time B is time 0 C is the time
2 I in the evening.
A watch never TV B never watch TV O
C watch TV never
3 Where live?
A are you
B do you o C you do
4 I
drink tea.
A don't never
B never
C not o
5 Your son see the doctor at four o'clock.
A can
B cans O C can to
6 What music _?
A you do listen to
B you listen to
C do you listen to
7 A Can I use my mobile phone here?
B No, __.I'm sorry.
A you can't use B you can't you don't
- you like?
A What sports
B What do sports
C What sports do
9 Does John to the beach in the summer?
A go B goes o C can go o
10 You swim here. It's dangerous.
A can't
B don't can I can't to


Ответ дал: denissenkom


1. go

2. time

3. are you live

4. never

5. can

6. you listen to

7. you aren't

8. what sports do

9. goes

10. don't can I can't to

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