Put the verbs in brackets into Present Simple or Present Continuous.
Example: Where’s Paul? –He is in his room. He is doing (do) his homework.
1. What time ………………………………(you/start) your school day?
2. Where………………………………………………..(you / go) after classes today? –I
…………..(go) to the Internet Club.
3. How often …………………………….(your sister / play) tennis? – she …………..(play) tennis
twice a week.
4. Dad is very busy. He …………………..(work) very hard these days.
5. Why …………………..(you/pack) your suitcase? – because I ……………..(travel) to the
Crimea tomorrow.

Past Simple or Present Perfect.

Example: while I was waiting for the bus, I met (meet) my old friend.
1. …………………………….(you /write) the letter yet?
2. What time ………………………..(you /arrive) at school this morning?
3. We …………………………….( just / come) back from our holidays.
4. I ……………………………..(know ) Jack for three years.
5. …………………………….(you / see) the film ‘Shrack’? – yes, I ………………..(see) it last


Ответ дал: otihan9

Present Simple or Present Continuous.

1) Do you start

2) Are you going, am going

3) Does your sister, plays

4) Is working

5) Are you packing, will travel

Past Simple or Present Perfect.

1) Have you written

2) did you arrive

3) just came

4) have known

5) Have you seen, saw

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