даю 50 8 Write questions with how for the answers. Use V the words in brackets. (10 marks) How high is Mount Everest? Mount Everest is 8,848 metres high. (high) 1 The River Amazon is 6,000 kilometres long. (long) 2 Dolphins can swim 10 kilometres an hour. (fast) 3 She phoned me ten times last night! (many times) 4 They eat a kilo of chocolate every week. (much) 5 She plays football every day. (often) ​



Ответ дал: astxikegnatosyan37


1)How long is the River Amazon?

2)How faster can the delphins swim?

3)How many times did she phone me last night?

4)How much chocolate they eat every week?

5)How often does she play football?

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