Complete the task. Read the text below. Transform the words (if it is necessary) in brackets in capital letters so that they match the content grammatically. Fill in the gaps using full passive forms of the verbs.

Write one, two, three or four words in each gap.

A preventive and curative medical system mixed with a strong philosophy emerged in India between 800 and 600 BCE. Now, it (KNOW) as Ayurveda. The word came from the Sanskrit words for life (ayur) and knowledge (veda). It (BASE) on the theory that disease was caused by an imbalance in the elements that made up the human body. Interventions and therapies aimed to restore and maintain the body's equilibrium and (ADAPT) to patients' personal physical, mental, and spiritual requirements.

The signs of disease are assessed by direct observation and questioning of the patient in order to give an appropriate treatment. Many Ayurvedic practices (CHANGE) over the years and (MODIFY) even more in the future. The main methods of physical diagnosis used by Ayurvedic practitioners today are measuring the pulse, examining the tongue, checking the voice and speech, examining the skin and eyes, and assessing the patient's overall appearance.
Пожалуйста, помогите!!! Даю много баллов!!!​


Ответ дал: eleoonorka22


is known

is based


have changed

will be modified


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