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Ответ дал: sonealya

1) Ivan doesn't like working. He's lazy.

2) Linda doesn't think of people and she never gives people things. She's selfish.

3) Emma doesn't have friends because she's unfriendly.

4) Gary gets fantastic marks at school and he can do difficult exercises. He's clever.

5) My dog is stupid. He can't learn to do things.

6) Marcia talks a lot. She's talkative.

7) Ethel is nice to people and she has lots of friends. She's friendly.

8) Sometimes Alex is happy, and then suddenly he's sad. He's moody.

9) Zelda gives them presents and helps them when they need her. She's generous.

10) Laura is always happy. She's a cheerful girl.

toloknovakaterina1: Спасибо огромное!!
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