Complete these sentences with as, than, from, less or more,
1. She's much smarter    I am.
2.She's    intelligent    he is.
3.His clothes is different    mine.
4.I have the same hat    she has.
5.Coats are less common there    in Russia.
6.Children wear more casual clothes    their parents.
7.It is different    my country.
8.They are more formal    we were.
9.It's the same    in Britain.
10.Dresses are not    popular    in Western countries.
11.She's less optimistic    he is.
12.It is    ; noisy now    it was.
13.. People are    formal now.
14.Our clothes are different    what our grandparents wore.
15.    Good clothes are    expensive


Ответ дал: lilegorodnikovoj

Ответ: 1. ... than I am.

2. She's as intelligent as he is.

3. ...different from mine

4. ... hat as she has

5. ... there than in...

6. ... than their parents

7.  ...different from my country

8. ...formal than we were

9. ...the same as in...

10. ...not  less popular ...

11.  ... optimistic than he is.

12.  It is more noisy now than it was.

13. People are more formal now

14. ...different from

15 ...are more expensive


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