Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or Future
Simple Tense and read the jokes.
1) A small boy was fishing by a stream. A man came by and stopped to watch him.
«How many have you caught?» the man asked.
«If I... (to catch) another, I ... (to have) one», said the boy.
2) A boy says to his friend, «Guess how many coins I have in my pocket». The friend
says, «If I ... (to guess) right, ... you ... (to give) me one of them?» The first boy says,
«If you ... (to guess) right, I... (to give) you both of them!»
3) An elementary school teacher sends this note to all parents on the first day of
«If you ... (to promise) not to believe everything your child always ... (to say) happens
at school, I ... (to promise) not to believe everything your child ... (to say) happens at


Ответ дал: wanttoknow12
1. catch … will have
2. guess .. will you give..
3. promise … says
promise … says
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