1. _________________they speak French well?
a) are
b) do
c) does
d) not
2. I understand this article.
a) am not
b) is not
c) do not
d) not
3. Did you buy yesterday?
a) tomatos
b) tomats
c) tomatoes
d) tomatoz
4. Of the two books, this one is the…………..
a) the most interesting
b) most interesting
c) more interesting
d) the more interesting
5. The damage to the car could be ……… than we expected.
a) bad
b) worse
c) the worst
d) the worse
6. When I woke up, everybody else _________.
a) had already left
b) already left
c) would left
d) already had left
7. She said she _____ his new car.
a) iked
b) can to like
c) ike
d) could to like
8. He _______ ever since he arrived at the party. He's had eight beers so far.
a) has drunk
b) was drinking
c) drank
d) has been drinking
9. After ______ to Manchester, the Johnsons felt much better.
a) to move
b) moving
c) having moved
d) move
10. She can't afford ______ for her car.
a) paying
b) to paying
c) pay
d) to pay
11. We ______ been going out with each other for a year in September.
a) would
b) are
c) will have
d) will be
12. If the water had been warmer yesterday, I _______ gone swimming.
a) won't have
b) would have
c) wouldn't
d) hadn't
13. This time next month I _______ lectures at a university.
a) will attend
b) will be attending
c) attend
d) am attending
14. I haven't got _____ money. Could you lend me _____?
a) some, some
b) any, any
c) any, some
d) some, any
15. It's not very easy to live _________.
a) by your own
b) on oneself
c) with oneself
d) on your own
16. ___ money makes the world go round.
a) a
b) the
c) an
d) ___
17. He thinks too much ___ himself.
a) at
b) in
c) of
d) on
18. There _______ a festival tomorrow.
a) will be
b) will
c) will to be
d) is
19. Why ________ change your mind?
a) had you to
b) must you
c) you had to
d) did you have to
20. If I _____ to the post office, I'll post this letter for you.
a) would go
b) went
c) go
d) will go


Ответ дал: gasajy


1. b) do

2. c) do not

3. c) tomatoes

4. b) most interesting

5. b) worse

6. a) had already left

7. a) liked

8. d) has been drinking

9. b) moving

10. d) to pay

11. c) will have

12. b) would have

13. b) will be attending

14. c) any, some

15. d) on your own

16. d) ___

17. c) of

18. a) will be

19. d) did you have to

20. c) go

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