4. Choose the best answer. (Both are correct, but one is more probable.)
1) She has only farmed / been farming for two years, but she's doing very well…
2) John has run / been running the village shop since his father died last year.
3) Alex has run / been running the company since it was founded in 1980.
4) Harris has spent / been spending the last ten years in prison.
5) I've spent / heen spending a lot of time with the children recently.
5. Correct the mistakes.
I) He hasn't never got a bad mark.
2) Has Mary written the letter so far?
3) I've been very tired today.
4) I had a hard day today.
5) How many times have you see this fiim?
6. Translate the sentences. Choose one of the following tenses: Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple, Present Perfect Simple, Present Perfect Continuous.
1) - Сколько ты работаешь нал этим проектом? - Около месяца.
2) Он каждый день слушает новости по радио.
3) - Кто изобрел компьютер? - Чарльз Боббидж изобрел первый механический компьютер в начале 19 века.
4) - Ты уже пообедала? - Еще нет.
5) - О чем ты думаешь? - Я не знаю. Может быть, ни о чем.


Ответ дал: mayasheiko



● 1. been 2. run 3. run 4. been 5. spent


● 1. has never 2. не найшла 3. не найшла 4. не найшла 5. seen


●1) How long have you been working on this project? - About a month.

2) He listens to the news on the radio every day.

3) - Who invented the computer? - Charles Bobbidge invented the first mechanical computer in the early 19th century.

4) - Have you already had lunch? - Not yet.

5) - What are you thinking about? - I do not know. Maybe nothing.

Ответ дал: echosoldatov

Ответ: 1. 1) She has only farmed for two years, but she's doing very well

2) Been running

3) Been running

4) Been spending

5) I've spent

2. 1) How long have you been working on this project? - About a month

2) He listens to the news on the radio everyday

3) Who invented the computer? - Charles Bobbidge invented the first computer in the early  19th century

4) Have you had lunch already? - Not  yet

5) What are you thinking? - I don't know. Maybe about nothing


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