Срочно!! Переделайте в passive voice

Rewrite the sentences in the Passive Voice.

1. The student has learnt a lot of new English words.

2. Did the noise frighten you?

3. They are rehearsing a new play at the National Theatre.

4. They can’t find the missing car anywhere.

5. People expect him to win the race.

He ……………………………………………………………………

6. People play football all over the world.

7. A gas leak had caused the explosion.

8. A plumber was repairing our sink.

9. Everyone knows that the statement was untrue.


10. The mayor will open the exhibition.


Ответ дал: qiwiki


1. A lot of new English words have been learnt by the students.

2. Were you frightened by the noise?

3. A new play at the National Theatre is being rehearsed. ( by them)

4. The missing car can't be found.

5. He is expected by the people to win the race.

6. Football is played by people all over the world.

7. The explosion had been caused by a gas leak.

8. Our sink was repairing by plumber

9. It is known that the statement was untrue.

10. The exhibition will be opened by the mayor.


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