Put the verbs in brackets into the right 4 Dear Steven Greetings from Barcelona, The weather is lovely here so we 1).dou (spend) most of the time outdoors, The hotel where we 2) (stay) is small, but breakfast 3) (be) amazing. We 4) (come) last Monday and we 5).......... (see) many interesting places so far. Last Friday, we 6) .......(go) to Nova Mar Bella beach where we 7)... (spend) the whole day swimming and sunbathing, Yesterday, we 8) ... (join the crowds at the city's most famous event, Festival del Grec 9) ... ) (take) so many photos! Unfortunately, someone 10)............ (steal) my camera while 11)............(dance), (not/visit any museums yet . (visit the Picasso Museum (spend) the rest of the day in the (have) a great time Well, I must go now. 110) (call you when ....(come) back We 12)................ Tomorrow we 13) Then we 14) old town. I think we 15) 117) lots of love,​


Ответ дал: zharichdaniil


spend stayed was came saw went spent joined took stealed danced didnt visit visited spend have come


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