3. Write questions in the past with these words. ? ? ? 1. when / study English/you 2. what /do / yesterday / she 3. like / the film / he 4. live! in Paris / your parents 5. walk / down / the road / they ? помогите пожалуйста срочно​

gach4h0s3def4u7t: 2.What she does yesterday?3.He liked the film 4.Does your parents lived in Paris?5.Does they walk down the road? 1.Does you 2 study English?
Аноним: спасибо но я нашол ответ уже


Ответ дал: galiailas091

Anuarbek Nurgeldi2009

Ответ дал: majakukuskina69


When did you study English?

What did she do yesterday?

Did he like the film?

Did Your parents live in Paris?

Did they walk down the road?

Вас заинтересует