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I liked our guide. I ... (ask) him if he ... (be) a spaceman and he ... (say) no, he be) just a Colonial Service Ranger.
Dad and Mr. Latham ... (join) us we ... (finish) the tour while Mr. Perrin — that’s our guide - ... (announce) the trip outside “to see the Devil’s Graveyard and the site of the Great Disaster of 1984.”
Dad ... (rub) his hands together. “This is for me,” he ... (announce).
“You ... (enjoy) it,” Mr. Latham ... (agree). “I’m tempted to come along myself.”
“Why don’t you?” Dad ... (ask).
“No, I want to have the papers ready for you to sign when you ... (get) back and before you ... (leave) for Luna City. Besides, I ... (be) out on the surface dozens of times.
But I [[16]] (come) along and ... (help) you into your spacesuits.”
Mother ... (say) she ... (not think) she ... (go); she ... (not be) sure she ... (can) stand the thought of being shut up in a spacesuit.
Mother always ... (object) and then ... (give) in. I suppose women just ... (not have) any force of character.


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I liked our guide. I asked (ask) him if he was (be) a spaceman and he said (say) no, he was (be) just a Colonial Service Ranger.

Dad and Mr. Latham joined (join) us we were finishing (finish) the tour while Mr. Perrin — that’s our guide - announced (announce) the trip outside “to see the Devil’s Graveyard and the site of the Great Disaster of 1984.”

Dad rubbed (rub) his hands together. “This is for me,” he announced (announce).

“You will enjoy (enjoy) it,” Mr. Latham agreed (agree). “I’m tempted to come along myself.”

“Why don’t you?” Dad asked (ask).

“No, I want to have the papers ready for you to sign when you get (get) back and before you leave (leave) for Luna City. Besides, I have been (be) out on the surface dozens of times.

But I [[16]] will (come) along and help (help) you into your spacesuits.”

Mother said (say) she did not think (not think) she would (go); she was not (not be) sure she could (can) stand the thought of being shut up in a spacesuit.

Mother always objects (object) and then gives (give) in. I suppose women just do not have (not have) any force of character.


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