Exercise 2 Write the answers to the questions. Use exercise 1
1 Which of these sports do you take part in?
2 Which of these sports do you like watching live or on TV?
3 Which of these sports are: indoor sports, outdoor sports, motor sports, winter sports, water
4 Which of them are cheap and which are expensive?
5 Which are dangerous?
6 In which of these sports is there no winner? How do we know who wins?


FJJDJEKD: climbing swimming aerobics chess table tennis skating karate sailing bridge
football hockey baseball gymnastics golf basketball exercises cycling rugby
water skiing snorkeling judo yoga athletics
FJJDJEKD: из первого номера


Ответ дал: Vinohack
1.I like take part in Swimming and football, this is my favorite sport.
2. On TV, I like to watch football.
3. Не поняла, там картинки или нет? Если нет, то напиши : Push-ups, Running, Car racing, Skiing, Swimming.
4. Опять же, если без картинок, то вот: The gym is an expensive sport, and running is free.
5. Тоже самое: Rock climbing, bungee jumping.
6. Тут не знаю
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