Complete Anna’s postcard. Use the verbs from the box with will or going to.
buy do go ring not be see take

Dear Oliver,
I’m writing this in a café in London! I’m here for a few days with Jane. We …………………………..lots of nice things while we’re here. Later today we ……………………………………….. sightseeing. Perhaps we ……………………….. some famous people too! My uncle………………………… us to see a musical tomorrow and on Monday Jane and I …………………………… new dresses for your party. I hope they …………………………. too expensive! I …………………………….. you when I get home and tell you all about the musical.
Best wishes,


Ответ дал: Galkinaalena
1. Doing
2. Are going to go
3. Will see
4. Is going to take
5. Are going to buy
6. Won't be to
7. Will ring
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