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Test “Listening to music”


Complete the table: a drum, an organ , a guitar, a xylophone,

a piano, a trumpet, a contrabass, a flute







Complete the sentences with the words from the box.

festival composer orchestra classical instruments popular

1. Most teenagers prefer to listen to ______ music.

2. The music of this ______is known all over the world.

3.Yesterday my parents were at a concert of ______ music.

4. Last month a music _______was organized by pupils at school.

5. This shop sells different musical __________.

6. Our teacher suggested I should join the school __________.

3. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present, Past, Future Simple or Present Perfect Passive Voice.

1. The concert of this band _____ (to give) next Friday in Central park.

2. The tickets for the concert _____ (already to sell).

3. Some famous musicians ____ (to invite) to take part in the TV show a week ago.

4. Write a paragraph about your favourite singer or band.

- Name your favourite band/singer.

- What do you know about him/her/them?

- What is his/her/their music style?

- What way does/do he/she/they perform?

- Why do you like him/her/them?


Ответ дал: lilegorodnikovoj


2.  1.  pop 2. composer 3. classical   4. concert 5. instruments 6.choir

3.  1. will be given 2.have been already sold 3.  were invited

4.        My favourite singer is Michael Jackson.  

I know there were nine children in his family and they lived in a four room flat. He  liked to sing very much. He often sang until late at night, even if it was past his bedtime. He sang in public for the first when he was five.  Later he lived in a huge house with seventeen rooms downstairs and sixteen rooms upstairs. He never gave interviews and was seen only on the stsge. Off stage he felt happiest with animals and children.

His music styles were  pop, soul, rhythm and blues, disco and others.

He gave big concerts and wrote albums of his songs.

His songs are very melodic and I can  dance easily listening to them. They enspire me to do good things.


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