Rewrite the text, insert modal verbs according to the meaning and underline the modal verbs.
Choice time
We live in a world where you___ choose. For example, I___ ride a bike. Or l___ draw, Some people___ like my drawings, but I enjoy them. My friend knows foreign languages. She____ speak French and German fluently, but sometimes she____use a dictionary. For example, when it comes to grammar rules.
We choose all the time, every moment. For example, we___ eat fish for dinner, or toast for breakfast. By choosing, we____ do whatever we want! The right choice____help you live happily. But making the right choice____ be as easy as it seems at first glance. You____ be more careful before you choose anything. And____ the choice bring you peace of mind!​


Ответ дал: kdark917014

Ответ: На

Объяснение: 1. should; 2. can; 3. can't; 4. should; 5. can; 6. has to; 7. can; 8. can; 9. should; 10. can't; 11.  can.

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